/ By Brandon McDonald

Many forms of addiction often present themselves in familiar cycles that those who struggle with them go through, and pornography addiction is a frequent example. While certainly not identical, as each individual’s struggles are different, many people who deal with pornography addiction find themselves in various stages of common cycles.

At Desert Solace, we’re proud to offer a wide range of services to help you with breaking a pornography addiction, including both inpatient and outpatient pornography addiction treatment and sex addiction rehab services around Nevada, Arizona and Idaho. Here’s a look at the common parts of a pornography addiction cycle, plus some basics on how our programs look to break this cycle and introduce healthy concepts to overcome pornography addiction.


In most cases, pornography addiction specialists consider the “first” part of the porn addiction cycle to be the trigger. This is something that initiates the cycle, and for many people, it’s a specific emotional or environmental factor that they feel weakens their defenses against turning to pornography.

There are several different candidates for porn addiction triggers:

  • Shame: For some, it’s simply feeling ashamed or guilty about something else in their life. Pornography provides a release from these feelings.
  • Stress: Others turn to porn when they’re stressed out for the same reason – it acts as an escape and can temporarily relieve stress.
  • Boredom: This is another common one, particularly among younger people who have grown up with easy access to internet pornography. They may not even be aware of why they’re turning to porn, but boredom can be a powerful motivator.
  • Anxiety or depression: People who struggle with anxiety or depression may find that pornography helps to temporarily numb these negative feelings.
  • External triggers: These can include images or videos that appear in advertising, social media feeds, or even just walking by a store with adult material on display.


For many people, the next step in the pornography addiction cycle is fantasy. This is where the initial trigger leads to a desire for pornographic material, and individuals may begin fantasizing about specific types of porn or scenarios they want to see. These fantasies can be elaborate and consuming, often leading to a strong urge to seek out pornography.

This often becomes a complete obsession, with individuals spending large amounts of time seeking out and consuming pornographic material in an effort to fulfill their fantasies.


As fantasy begins to move toward reality, individuals may start to ritualize their porn use. This can include setting specific times or locations for consuming pornography, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement around the act.

This is also where the brain starts to form associations between certain stimuli (such as a computer screen or specific website) and the release of dopamine in response to viewing pornographic material. These associations can become deeply ingrained and difficult to break.

Acting Out

The final stage in the pornography addiction cycle is acting out – actually seeking out and consuming pornography. For many people, the bubble of sexual fantasy itself is the true addiction, and the act of seeking out and consuming porn is just a means to that end.

At this point, individuals may feel relief from any negative emotions they were experiencing before or during the cycle, but it is often followed by feelings of guilt, shame, or regret. This can trigger the cycle to begin again.

Numbing and Denial

Once the acting out phase is complete, individuals may enter a period of numbing and denial. This can include rationalizing or justifying their behavior, minimizing its impact on their life, and avoiding addressing the underlying issues.

These periods of denial are often what prevent individuals from seeking help for pornography addiction or admitting they have a problem in the first place.

Despair, Shame and a Return to Triggers

And finally, the cycle repeats itself. The initial trigger once again becomes too much to handle, and the individual turns back to pornography as a temporary solution.

Breaking the Cycle

With the right support and treatment, it is possible to break the cycle of pornography addiction. At Desert Solace, our programs are designed to address all aspects of this cycle and introduce healthy coping mechanisms for triggers, as well as addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to the addiction.

Our team of experienced professionals offers individualized treatment plans and a supportive environment for individuals struggling with pornography addiction. We believe in treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – to help our clients find lasting recovery from their addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with pornography addiction, know that there is hope and help available. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you, whether you’re in Arizona, Nevada or Idaho.