One of the most impactful methods we use at Desert Solace to help our clients overcome pornography addiction is Equine Assisted Therapy. For those of you who aren’t familiar with fancy horse terminology, “equine” just means horse.

Equine Assisted Therapy at Desert Solace

Equine Assisted Therapy at Desert Solace

One of the most impactful methods we use at Desert Solace to help our clients overcome pornography addiction is Equine Assisted Therapy. For those of you who aren’t familiar with fancy horse terminology, “equine” just means horse. At Desert Solace, Equine Assisted Therapy is an integral part of what we do.


We have found that equine therapy is a great complement to the other addiction treatment therapies we use at Desert Solace. Studies have shown that equine assisted therapy helps build the confidence and skills needed to live a fulfilling life free from addiction.


Horses can be a powerful mirror when interacting with human beings. During equine therapy, we are able to help clients see how they show up in life and what fears are holding them back from getting the life they really want – one free from sexual addiction!

Equine Assisted Therapy

Professional Equine Therapy Facilitators

We are blessed to have two of the best equine therapy facilitators in the world here at Desert Solace. Julie Forbes and Jan Adamson have been facilitating our equine program for over a decade and they are great at what they do!

You can watch the video below where Julie describes the purpose and method behind our equine therapy program!

Contact Us To Learn More About Our Equine Assisted Therapy Program

Call Now 435-817-1351