Recovery Articles
How Do I Help My Husband Overcome Porn Addiction? | Desert Solace
From creating a supportive recovery environment to finding the right type of treatment, Desert Solace is here to help you and your husband finally beat
Common Side Effects That Can Accompany Porn Addiction
Side effects are a well-known complication that can arise with many forms of addiction, but this is a different conversation in the world of pornography
Understanding the Common Signs of Pornography Addiction
When it comes to any form of addiction, the ability to spot potential signs – whether in yourself or someone close to you – can
Following a Common Pornography Addiction Cycle
Many forms of addiction often present themselves in familiar cycles that those who struggle with them go through, and pornography addiction is a frequent example.
Risks of Pairing Substance Abuse And Sex Addiction
There are multiple forms of addiction that can be immensely challenging for those who struggle with them, and these challenges can increase even further when
Am I a Sex Addict? Simple Questions to Ask Yourself
Certain forms of addiction can be hard to identify even if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, and sex addiction is a great example. Because
Common Sex Addiction Differences Between Men and Women
There are many areas of life where men and women have some key differences, and the realm of sex addiction is a common example. While
Role of the Internet in Fueling Pornography Addiction
There are several factors that can contribute to pornography addiction in many people, and one extremely large such factor in modern times is the simple
Benefits of a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
There are a number of fields where certified training for professionals is quite valuable to the people who utilize their services, and sex addiction therapists
Is Sex Addiction a Mental Illness? Key Considerations
There are several questions that often arise among those who deal with sex addiction or others close to them, and some of them revolve around
Why is Pornography So Addictive?
It’s common for those struggling with addiction or those close to them to wonder exactly how a given form of addiction can take such a
Is Sex Addiction Hereditary?
There are a number of questions that are common within the realm of sex addiction, and many of these surround the underlying causes that contribute