Real Pornography Addiction Treatment
Call Desert Solace at 435-291-5355
Having pornography so readily and easily available makes it a difficult addiction to battle. After all, internet access is available 24/7 in our homes, at work and on our smartphones. For many men struggling with pornography addiction it almost feels hopeless. Breaking a pornography addiction often requires the help of a certified sex addiction therapist as well as other professionals.
Pornography has been around for thousands of years, but in recent decades with the invention of the internet and smart phones, it is so much more accessible. Anyone with a smart phone can access pornography instantly with the click of a button. People are being exposed to pornography earlier and earlier because it is so easy to find. These days pornography will find you even if you’re not looking for it! Because it is so easy to find and is instantly accessible, pornography addiction for many people is their “primary addiction.”
Many of our clients report exposure at ages as low as five years old. Pornography addiction can develop and start to have an impact much sooner than other addictions.
Pornography Addiction Impacts All Portions of a Person’s Life
As with other addictions, porn addiction has effects across all aspects of a person’s life. Work, family, and relationships can all be impacted by addiction. When a person develops an addiction to pornography, their brain is craving a high. The same chemicals associated with drug addictions flood into the brain creating many of the same effects.
When individuals start to crave the chemical release associated with viewing pornography other portions of their life suffer. The addiction enables people to get away from the pressures of life in an unhealthy manner.
What sets pornography addiction apart from other addictions is the shame associated with the addiction. Due to the embarrassment and shame many pornography addicts face, they can retreat into feelings of denial instead of seeking treatment for the underlying issues. For most addicts, addiction can be a symptom of a larger underlying problem or problems.
Reaching Out for Pornography Addiction Help
At Desert Solace, many of us know firsthand from personal experience how hard it can be to seek pornography addiction treatment. One thing that pornography addiction has in common with every other addiction is that you have tried to stop your behavior (probably thousands of times) without success. Nothing you do on your own to overcome the addiction seems to help. That’s when you know you need porn rehab.
Although we only treat adult males, pornography addiction does not affect just the addicted member of the family; it affects everyone, especially those closest to the addict. The wives we see are devastated by the discovery of their husband’s addiction and often are the ones who contact us about porn rehab for their husband before it destroys their marriage.
Wives feel embarrassment, shame, desperation. They usually feel deeply hurt and betrayed. They wonder why it has happened to their family and if they are to blame in some way. They worry their children will discover the truth and feel their own shame — or worse, be drawn into pornography addiction themselves.
We always tell wives they are not to blame for their husband’s problem, but they can help with his porn addiction rehab. We also provide unmatched support to spouses and parents who are struggling to understand their husband or child’s addictive behaviors through our family support program. This support doesn’t end when the client leaves, it continues for as long as the spouse needs it.
Treating Addiction to Pornography at a Residential Facility
When Desert Solace opened, we were the first residential treatment center specializing in porn addiction in the state of Utah. Research has shown that the most effective way to treat addiction is for the client to be separated from the stresses of life for a period of time. We provide the longest standard treatment plan of any residential sexual addiction treatment facility. We also provide a lifetime of support after the client has left treatment.
At Desert Solace, we treat pornography addiction in a clinical, judgement-free environment that allows clients the ability to address the foundational issues that led to their addictions.
We also believe that permanent recovery from addiction to pornography involves the recovery of the spouse and family. An important factor for the addict’s recovery is for the client’s spouse or family to be involved in treatment. It takes a proper understanding of how addictions develop and how to properly treat the root causes for everyone to properly heal.
Pornography Addiction Treatment at Desert Solace
Our therapists understand the fear and shame that come with pornography addiction. Practically every Christian faith takes the covenant of marriage seriously, and it is clear that any sexual activity outside of the marriage is damaging to the marriage. This includes viewing pornography as well as masturbation.
Most wives expect men to confine their sexual activity to their marriage. Engaging in sexual experiences outside of the marriage harms the marriage, as well as the entire family. One type of harm that we see often is a spouse experiencing betrayal trauma from their husband’s actions. Porn addiction rehab helps you rebuild your family and your life.
How to Get Rid of a Pornography Addiction
At Desert Solace, we provide the pornography addiction help that men need to move beyond this painful chapter of their lives. We provide hope and healing to men who feel lost, alone and broken.
With help from our certified sex addiction therapists, men learn how to beat pornography addiction through their faith and connection to God, but also through a research-backed program that is specific to treating sex addiction.
Over the last decade we have treated hundreds of men who have found success in overcoming their struggles with sexual and pornography addictions. You can ready some of their testimonials if you’d rather hear it from them!
We run a residential pornography addiction recovery program because we believe removing an addict from their current environment is crucial to porn rehab success. Part of overcoming addiction to pornography is learning your triggers and finding out what in your daily life causes you to seek unhealthy release.
With our help, men rediscover their strength and courage to persevere and regain a stronger connection to their family.
Dealing with Pornography Addiction
You are not alone. The professional team at Desert Solace is here to help you with overcoming addiction to pornography. Our porn rehab program brings you the peace that has eluded you for so long. Talk to us today to learn about pornography addiction resources so you can be happy again.
Contact Us To Learn More About How We Can Help!
Our Recovery Experts understand what you are going through and are ready to help. Any information you submit will be kept strictly confidential.
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