/ By SEO Werkz

There are many challenges that can come with addiction, and one of these for many people is trying to deal with multiple forms of addiction. These issues are referred to clinically as cross-occurring or co-occurring addictions – what do these terms mean, and how might they apply to those dealing with sex and/or pornography addiction?

At Desert Solace, we’re here not only to offer the best sex addiction therapy and porn addiction rehab services across Nevada, Arizona, Idaho and Utah, but also to assist with other forms of addiction like substance abuse, gambling addiction and more. We regularly assist patients who deal with multiple forms of addiction, which is not an uncommon issue. Here are some basics on what cross-occurring and co-occurring forms of addiction refer to, plus how these issues can affect people and how to manage them.

Cross-Occurring Addiction

When we refer to cross-occurring addiction, this means that an individual is struggling with two or more forms of addiction – but who “crosses” between these forms of addiction without much or any crossover between the two. While someone with cross-occurring addictions may overlap in terms of the behaviors they display, their addictions will be treated separately and may not have any direct connection to one another.

One of the most common forms of cross-occurring addiction involves the replacement of a certain addiction with another, often called cross-addiction. For example, an individual may have dealt with a substance abuse issue in the past and overcome it through treatment – but then developed a new addiction to gambling or sex later on, often to fill the void left by their past addiction.

Co-Occurring Addiction

On the other hand, co-occurring addiction refers to two or more forms of addiction that are closely related and often feed into one another. For example, someone struggling with alcoholism may also have a co-occurring addiction to prescription painkillers, as they may use these drugs in combination with their drinking habit.

With co-occurring addiction, it’s common for the two addictions to have a strong connection and for treating one without addressing the other to be ineffective. In many cases, both addictions must be treated simultaneously in order to achieve lasting recovery.

Both Are Common For Sex and Porn Addiction

Unfortunately, both cross-occurring and co-occurring addiction are common for those dealing with sex and/or porn addiction. It’s not uncommon for these individuals to also have a substance abuse or gambling issue, among others.

In many cases, sexual addictions may lead to other forms of addiction as the individual seeks out more and more extreme behaviors to satisfy their urges. Additionally, some people may use substances or engage in other addictive behaviors in order to cope with the shame and guilt often associated with sex and pornography addiction.

Managing Multiple Forms of Addiction

Luckily, there are effective ways to manage both cross-occurring and co-occurring addictions. Some of the tactics that may be utilized here can include:

  • Dual diagnosis treatment: This involves addressing both addictions simultaneously, recognizing how they may be connected and treating them accordingly.
  • Support groups: These can provide a safe space to share experiences and receive support from others who are dealing with similar issues.
  • Therapy: Working with a therapist can help identify underlying causes of addiction and develop coping strategies for managing triggers.

Vital Role of Professional Treatment

Because simultaneous forms of addiction can be more nuanced and complex, it’s crucial to seek professional treatment from qualified addiction specialists. At Desert Solace, we have a team of experienced therapists and counselors who are equipped to address cross-occurring and co-occurring addictions in a safe and supportive environment.

Furthermore, we believe in a holistic approach to treatment that addresses not only the addiction itself, but also any underlying mental health issues. By addressing all aspects of addiction, we can help our patients achieve lasting recovery and improve their overall well-being.

While dealing with multiple forms of addiction may present additional challenges, it’s important to remember that there is always hope for recovery. Seeking professional help and utilizing effective strategies can help individuals overcome cross-occurring and co-occurring addictions and lead fulfilling lives free from destructive behaviors. At Desert Solace, we are dedicated to helping our patients on their journey towards healing and transformation. Contact us today for our sex addiction therapy or porn addiction rehab programs around Arizona, Utah, Idaho and Nevada.