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There have been a few major events that have had a big impact on the world of sex addiction and pornography addiction recovery, and one of these took place fairly recently in 2019. We’re referring to the acceptance of CSBD, or Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder, as a condition by the World Health Organization – why was this an important event for sex and porn addiction recovery, and what kinds of positive avenues has it opened up in the years since?

At Desert Solace, we’re proud to offer caring, compassionate sex addiction recovery and pornography addiction treatment services to people around Arizona, Nevada and Idaho, including both inpatient and outpatient sex addiction treatment programs. Here’s a primer on what the WHO’s acceptance of CSBD meant at the time, why the research supports this move, and what’s been possible in terms of further research and discovery in sex and porn addiction treatment since this important event.

WHO Accepting CSBD

In 2019, the WHO accepted CSBD into what’s known as ICD-11, or the 11th edition of their International Classification of Diseases. This is an important manual used by medical professionals around the world, and it’s meant to provide a standardized way to diagnose mental or physical health conditions. 

Up until this time, any academics or medical professionals looking to study or treat sex addiction and porn addiction had extreme limitations on what could be published. Their work would often be turned down by reputable medical journals, which would cite the fact that these conditions were not recognized by the international medical body. 

Sadly, much of this was due to the age-old question of whether sex and porn addiction really qualify as “addiction.” Some people can look at a sex or porn addict and see that they have an uncontrollable urge, may spend hours on end using it, and even go into financial ruin to feed the addiction. Others would say these are just bad decisions being made – after all, there is no heroin needle in an addict’s arm.

The Research Here

Over the years, it has become clear that there is a very real physiological, mental and emotional impact on people who struggle with sex and porn addiction. In fact, brain scans of these individuals often look strikingly similar to those from drug addicts. These findings helped pave the way for more research into CSBD as a legitimate disorder, one that should be recognized by medical professionals around the world.

Some studies have also found that people with CSBD often have underlying issues such as trauma, anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. These conditions may contribute to the development of their addiction and should be treated alongside the addictive behaviors for a more successful recovery.

Positive Avenues

Since the acceptance of CSBD by the WHO, there has been an increase in awareness and understanding of sex and porn addiction. This has led to more research, treatment options and support for those struggling with these issues.

In addition, the recognition of CSBD as a legitimate disorder has helped reduce stigma surrounding sex and porn addiction. It is now seen as a real and treatable condition rather than a moral failing or lack of willpower.

Furthermore, this event has also allowed for better education and training for medical professionals in diagnosing and treating sex and porn addiction. This means that those seeking help are more likely to receive accurate and effective treatment.

What the Future Holds

While no one can say for certain what the future holds, the acceptance of CSBD by the WHO has opened up many possibilities for further research and advancements in sex and porn addiction treatment. With more understanding and recognition of these conditions, we can continue to improve our methods for helping those struggling with sex and porn addiction.

For instance, areas like gender and cultural differences in sex and porn addiction may now receive more attention, leading to more tailored treatment options. Additionally, the integration of technology and online resources into treatment programs is becoming increasingly prevalent.

At Desert Solace, we are dedicated to staying updated on the latest research and developments in sex and porn addiction recovery. We believe that with continued progress, we can help even more individuals overcome their addictions and live fulfilling lives. Contact us today to learn about any of our sex or pornography addiction programs across Arizona, Nevada, Idaho and nearby areas.