At our porn addiction rehab center, our counselors understand the pain you are going through as a porn addict. You carry guilt, shame, fear and doubt, making it difficult just to get through the day sometimes. The pornography addiction recovery specialists here at Desert Solace work closely with our in-patient clients, helping them to overcome their challenges. As you emerge from the grips of your addiction, you will start to feel better — you will be able to be happy and proud again. It can be difficult when you realize that those around you, although pleased with your progress, are still working through the hurt.
Wives Dealing with Pornography Addiction
Of all your loved ones, your wife probably suffers the most from your pornography addiction. A wife whose husband is addicted to porn often feels sad, hopeless, ashamed, scared and even ugly.
It can be difficult for a wife to understand what causes their husband to be addicted to porn. Many wives wonder if they are somehow to blame for their husband’s porn addiction, worrying that they might be unattractive to him. If the porn addict still has sexual relations with his wife, she may worry during this time that she does not measure up to the porn actresses he looks at on a daily basis.
However, many men seeking porn addiction recovery help do not even have marital relations. They are so overstimulated by constant exposure to porn that the presence of a live partner is not enough to arouse them. This is also devastating for wives, who feel they are no longer desirable.
For churchgoing families, porn addiction can be especially troubling. The church teaches that sex inside of marriage is sacred, and seeking gratification from porn is a sin. So in addition to all the other worries your wife has surrounding your porn addiction, she is also likely worried about your eternal soul.
Girlfriends Dealing with Pornography Addiction
Women whose boyfriends have a porn addiction share many of the problems that wives of porn-addicted husbands have — they feel scared, worried, disgusted and potentially unattractive.
If the couple is chaste, while the woman is freed from issues directly relating to sex, she must combat other problems. Having a boyfriend or fiancé who is addicted to anything is incredibly stressful, and a porn addiction is no exception. She may worry that if she marries you, that your porn addiction will continue or return, making her life extremely difficult. She may urge you to get help from a porn addiction recovery center, and she might even make it a condition of continuing the relationship.
Children & Teens Dealing with a Father’s Porn Addiction
Children and teens are usually the people parents worry most about in regard to pornography. Viewing porn without any context of what an adult relationship is supposed to be like can be damaging to children. As much as parents try to protect children, it’s likely that at some point, a friend will show them porn. Studies show that almost all kids have seen porn by the time they become adults.
When a child’s father is addicted to porn, this causes a lot of confusing and upsetting feelings in the child or teen. They have been taught — sometimes by the father himself — that viewing porn is wrong. They wonder why their parent is doing something wrong and if they will get in trouble for it. Older teens understand better and are often mortified by the discovery.
You may think you are hiding your porn addiction from your kids, but in our experience, this is unlikely. At some point they will hear or see something in the home or on the computer that will tip them off.
Co-Workers of Porn Addicts
When you’re an addict — whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, porn or another vice — the addiction seeps into all areas of your life. Your co-workers may not know you’re a porn addict, but they know something is wrong.
You may come into work late because you were up all night watching porn, or you may make mistakes at work because you are worried about your porn addiction or about people finding out. If you use company-issued electronics to view porn, you may even get fired.
How to Get Rid of a Pornography Addiction
Here at Desert Solace, we help clients with breaking a pornography addiction. In our inpatient program, we teach techniques for overcoming an addiction to pornography that you practice while you’re here. As in any addiction recovery program, being with others fighting the same addiction is key. Although there is often shame at the beginning, this is true with any addiction. It’s important to understand that there are others like you going through the same battle who are in need of pornography addiction help. They may be fine, upstanding citizens like you, working hard and volunteering in church. You will better see that porn addiction recovery is not about shame, but about determination and strength.
At our pornography addiction treatment program, you’ll go through the steps you need to take to overcome your addiction and begin living the life you want to lead. Upon discharge from our facility, our counselors provide you with important outpatient pornography addiction resources to help you stay strong and resist relapsing.
A porn addiction is devastating, not just for the addicted person, but for his friends and family as well. This knowledge sometimes is just what men need to spur them to seek porn addiction recovery. If you are seeking porn addiction treatment, contact Desert Solace today. We can help.