While the porn industry desperately tries to normalize the world’s indulgence in their growing enterprise, it continues to destroy people’s lives every day. It’s not just those who participate — willingly or otherwise — in creating pornographic videos, but those who become addicted to watching them as well. They suffer, their families suffer, they feel shame and they don’t know where to turn for help. The professional caregivers at Desert Solace are here for you.
The Ubiquity of Porn
In today’s world of smartphones, laptops, WiFi and hotspots, it’s likely that everyone has seen pornography at some point, whether intentionally or accidentally. Everyone under the age of 35 has grown up with the internet as part of their normal, everyday lives. Even if parents exercise tight controls over viewing, it’s all too easy to find a friend whose parents are oblivious.
Regardless of why or how you became addicted to porn, one thing is clear: You want to know how to get rid of your pornography addiction and resume the life you lead before you were consumed by this affliction.
But how do you know if you’re addicted? Maybe watching porn is simply a bad habit. Below, we list some of the red flags that indicate your habit is out of control.
1. You spend hours watching porn.
Do you sometimes sneak off on your own to watch porn, intending to watch for only a few minutes, but you suddenly realize hours have gone by? These are hours you could have spent reading a good book, doing important chores around the house, playing with your children or engaging in a more rewarding hobby such as biking or cooking.
Losing track of time while you are watching porn is a sign that you don’t have as much control as you thought. It may be time to look into porn addiction rehab.
2. You hide your habit from your family and friends.
Do you look forward to your family going out so you can watch porn at home without fear of discovery? Have you ever pretended not to feel well so that you could stay home from an event or an activity to watch porn?
Many men who watch porn go to great lengths to conceal it from their wives. They use a private browser, delete the search history on the computer, and clear the cache and cookies. But it’s difficult to eradicate all the evidence. Further, porn is notorious for infecting devices with viruses.
Even though men sometimes talk among themselves about sexual experiences and watching porn, the truth is that few feel comfortable revealing to others what type of porn they enjoy watching. Whether it involves incest, rape, underage girls or another category, men who watch pornography usually live in fear of being discovered. Getting pornography addiction treatment can give you the strength you need to change.
3. You have unsuccessfully tried to cut down on how much you watch porn.
When you conclude a session of watching porn, how do you feel? Some men report feeling guilty, helpless and disgusted with themselves. You think about your wife and children, your parents and maybe your church and you wonder where it all went wrong. You know you were raised with good values and morals. You swear this will the last time you watch porn.
But then you find yourself logging on again, over and over. Not being able to stop an activity that brings you distress is a sign of addiction.
At Desert Solace, we can help. We can show you how to rise above the shame and break your addiction to pornography.
4. You choose porn over sexual relations with your partner.
Men who have grown up with the internet look at themselves and the world in a different way. Advertisements, social media and pornography give people an unrealistic, airbrushed view of life. This leads some men to expect too much from their partners.
Men who indulge frequently in watching porn begin to get used to looking at women with breast augmentations, liposuction, lip injections and dental veneers. They begin to view this type of woman as the norm and wonder why their wife doesn’t seem to measure up.
Even if a man addicted to pornography finds his wife attractive, the effort he has to put into a live encounter versus watching porn is too often more than he wants to bother with. So he leaves her to fall asleep on her own, night after night, while he watches porn alone in another room.
With help from Desert Solace, you can overcome your addiction to pornography and learn to enjoy relations with your wife again.
5. You are unable to become aroused without porn.
Pornography acts on your brain in an insidious way. It rushes you from arousal to climax in a matter of minutes. You never get tired of it because it changes constantly. Your body — and your brain — become addicted to this quick fix, and you begin having serious difficulty achieving an erection in the absence of porn.
This is usually distressing to a man, but it is devastating to his wife. She feels like he is no longer attracted to her and that she cannot compete with the digitally enhanced girls he watches online.
You probably remember how happy you once were with your wife and how the intimacy the two of you shared was the most beautiful thing you had ever experienced. At Desert Solace, we can help you get back to that time through pornography addiction treatment.
Porn Addiction Rehab Facility in Utah
At Desert Solace, we operate an in-patient porn addiction recovery program for men in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and across the U.S. We offer men hope without judgment. Call today.